“Reading is the gateway skill that makes all other learning possible”
– Barack Obama
A school library plays a key role in developing literacy and the pleasure of reading. It is the perfect place for thinking and learning. The mission of Vikhe Patil Memorial School Library is to motivate students to boost curiosity and innovation along with the basic skills of reading and writing.
In this modern era, everyone is busy in virtual world and do not spend time for reading. It is our prime goal to inspire the young generations to acquire knowledge and develop the ability of critical thinking to face the challenges in real life. To bring this in function the school library has latest editions of variety of books including the educational one which encourage students’ interest in reading that is our today’s need.

School libraries open a world of wisdom for students. Apart from academic research books, libraries also house academic magazines and periodicals. Reading such material keeps students abreast with the latest developments across the globe.
The school library has more than 2000 books of various kinds which includes fictions, non-fiction, biographies of great personalities, picture books and readers for the tiny tots, essay books for all the age groups, reference books.
Library has periodicals like – Champak, Jadan Ghadan, Dim Dima, Twinkle, Teacher Plus, Ranwara, Shikshan Sankraman.
Apart from this the English and Marathi newspapers are also available in the library for updates in current affairs.
It also comprises a wide range of curriculum resources such as digital , print , audio and video etc. while 3D models, puppets, animal toys, games for kids.